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  • Ranks

    This is a comprehensive list of all ranks on the server (excluding staff). The default rank is Traveler, and all ranks that are higher than it are either staff or donator ranks. All ranks inherit from each other, so if you have the Lord rank, you get the permissions from all previous ranks.


    • Create ChestShops
    • Place and Break all SilkSpawners
    • Lock chests with Lockette
    • Ability to create CraftBook Elevators and Gates
    • Ability to sell 5 items on the AuctionHouse
    • /points lead
    • /points me
    • /points look <playername>
    • /points pay <playername> <amount>
    • /ceninfo
    • /cenlist
    • /pm <user> <message>
    • /r <message>
    • /afk
    • /back
    • /balance
    • /balancetop
    • /delhome
    • /Home
    • /kit
    • /list
    • /mail
    • /mail send <user> <message>
    • /motd
    • /pay
    • /paytoggle
    • /rules
    • /seen
    • /sethome
    • /spawn
    • /tpa
    • /tpacancel
    • /tpaccept
    • /tpahere
    • /tptoggle
    • /warp
    • /fb toggle - (toggles scoreboard)
    • /jobs browse
    • /jobs join <jobname>
    • /jobs leaveall
    • /jobs leave <name>
    • /jobs stats
    • /jobs top
    • /lock <linenumber> <text> - (edit Lockette users on sign)
    Chat Channels:
    • /g
    • /tc
    • /nc
    • /alliance
    • /local


    • Create and break Disposal signs
    • 3 /sethome's


    • Ability to sell 10 items on the AuctionHouse
    • 5 /sethome's


    • Prefix in chat, tab, and nameplate
    • Ability to use default & type color coes on signs
    • Join on a full server
    • /craft
    • /enderchest
    • /hat
    • 10 /sethome's
    • 9 slot /backpack


    • Prefix in chat, tab and nameplate.
    • Ability to use full hex and "&" color codes on signs.
    • Join on a full server.
    • Ability to have 3 jobs.
    • /craft - Open a mobile crafting table
    • /enderchest - Open your Enderchest anytime, anywhere
    • /hat - Sets an item as your hat
    • 12 /sethome's - Allows you to save up to 3 Home
    • 18 slot /backpack - Medium, virtual chest
    • /pweather - Changes the weather for only you
    • /ptime - Changes the time for only you
    • /nickname - Changes your display name
    • /trash - Dispose of items easily


    • Prefix in chat, tab and nameplate.
    • Ability to use full hex and "&" color codes on signs.
    • Join on a full server.
    • Ability to have 3 jobs.
    • Ability to use full color in /nickname's
    • Ability to use /back on death
    • /craft - Open a mobile crafting table
    • /enderchest - Open your Enderchest anytime, anywhere
    • /hat - Sets an item as your hat
    • 17 /sethome's - Allows you to save up to 3 Home
    • 27 slot /backpack - Medium, virtual chest
    • /pweather - Changes the weather for only you
    • /ptime - Changes the time for only you
    • /nickname - Changes your display name
    • /trash - Dispose of items easily
    • /me - Express yourself
    • /feed - Refill your hunger bar


    • Prefix in chat, tab and nameplate.
    • Ability to use full hex and "&" color codes on signs.
    • Join on a full server.
    • Ability to have 3 jobs.
    • Ability to use full color in /nickname's
    • Ability to use /back on death
    • Ability to keep inventory on death
    • /craft - Open a mobile crafting table
    • /enderchest - Open your Enderchest anytime, anywhere
    • /hat - Sets an item as your hat
    • 22 /sethome's - Allows you to save up to 3 home
    • 27 slot /backpack - Medium, virtual chest
    • /pweather - Changes the weather for only you
    • /ptime - Changes the time for only you
    • /nickname - Changes your display name
    • /trash - Dispose of items easily
    • /me - Express yourself
    • /feed - Refill your hunger bar
    • /fly - Fly as if you were in creative


    • Prefix in chat, tab and nameplate.
    • Ability to use full hex and "&" color codes on signs.
    • Join on a full server.
    • Ability to have 4 jobs.
    • Ability to use full color in /nickname's with bold and italics
    • Ability to use /back on death
    • Ability to keep inventory on death
    • Ability to keep exp on death
    • Ability to teleport instantly
    • /craft - Open a mobile crafting table
    • /enderchest - Open your Enderchest anytime, anywhere
    • /hat - Sets an item as your hat
    • 30 /sethome's - Allows you to save up to 3 home
    • 27 slot /backpack - Medium, virtual chest
    • /pweather - Changes the weather for only you
    • /ptime - Changes the time for only you
    • /nickname - Changes your display name
    • /trash - Dispose of items easily
    • /me - Express yourself
    • /feed - Refill your hunger bar
    • /fly - Fly as if you were in creative
    • /glow - Show off your rank
    • /glow <color> - Show of your rank... Even more
    • /disguise <entity> - Disguise as passive only creatures


    • Prefix in chat, tab and nameplate.
    • Ability to use full hex and "&" color codes on signs.
    • Join on a full server.
    • Ability to have 5 jobs.
    • Ability to use full color in /nickname's with bold and italics
    • Ability to use /back on death
    • Ability to keep inventory on death
    • Ability to keep exp on death
    • Ability to teleport instantly
    • /craft - Open a mobile crafting table
    • /enderchest - Open your Enderchest anytime, anywhere
    • /hat - Sets an item as your hat
    • 35 /sethome's - Allows you to save up to 3 home
    • 27 slot /backpack - Medium, virtual chest
    • /pweather - Changes the weather for only you
    • /ptime - Changes the time for only you
    • /nickname - Changes your display name
    • /trash - Dispose of items easily
    • /me - Express yourself
    • /feed - Refill your hunger bar
    • /fly - Fly as if you were in creative
    • /glow - Show off your rank
    • /glow <color> - Show of your rank... Even more
    • /disguise <entity> - Disguise as passive and hostile creatures
    • /itemname - Rename and color items in your hand
    • /hdb - Unlimited access to the Head Database
    • /tp - Teleport instantly with no request ($10,000 per-use in game)

    Builder (Coming Soon):
    This rank is coming soon and is a pseudo staff rank. They will have access to Creative.

    Abilities undisclosed, however, they do mod things.

    They can do everything thus why they're admins.